State lottery, pari-mutuel on-track betting and bingo net proceeds distributed for property tax relief for primary residences or agricultural land; not subject to uniformity requirement of the Wisconsin constitution (section 1, article VIII): constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [AJR-80]
- JR-19
Radiation protection council eliminated [Sec.63j, 3470d-t] -
Act 27
Commercial mobile service: transitional adjustment fee levied; utility tax on personal communications services; definition of facsimile machine revised [Sec. 2378-2379e, 2915, 3143m, 5508] -
Act 27
Milwaukee symphony: allocation for state sponsorship of and advertising during media broadcasts of [Sec. 457]
Act 27
Public radio, Council on, eliminated [Sec. 85d, g, j] -
Act 27
Telecommunication services: enforcement of interconnection agreements by the PSC; protections for users, AG provision; study required -
Act 218
Badger trail between Madison and Freeport, Illinois: development of abandoned rail corridor [Sec. 766ur] [vetoed]
Cable television operator and railroad right-of-way: provisions revised [Sec. 3134mi, 3158g, r] -
Act 27
Rail property acquisitions: general obligation bonding limit increased [Sec. 734] -
Act 27
Transportation facility economic assistance program revisions [Sec. 319gg, gm, 9148 (4k)] -
Act 237
Driver education course requirements: railroad grade crossing added -
Act 245
Railroad crossing: forfeiture for traffic violation revised; improvement assessment created [Sec. 38f, 59n, 275p, r, 527e, f-x, 9348 (1k)] -
Act 237
Railroad crossing protection improvements: appropriation made continuing [Sec. 479] -
Act 27
Vehicles failing to stop at railroad crossings: new category of reckless driving; fund for signals and protection devices; railroad crossing improvement assessment
Act 135
Rail passenger service assistance and promotion program revisions; Amtrak extension and commuter rail bonding [Sec. 472m, 476, 477, 732m, 2477-2481h, 9149 (4g)] [9149 (4g) — vetoed] -
Act 27
Transportation infrastructure loan and assistance program created; JCF duties [Sec. 485-490, 836, 852, 855, 2485]
Act 27
Train crew: minimum number of personnel specified -
Act 42
Train crew: minimum number of personnel specified -
Act 42
Vehicles failing to stop at railroad crossings: new category of reckless driving; fund for signals and protection devices; railroad crossing improvement assessment
Act 135
Life and service to Marquette university commemorated [AJR-82] - JR-14
Delinquent property taxes: costs deductible from sales price of property expanded -
Act 224
Sheriff's fees for certain real estate sales increased; county board may set higher fee [Sec. 2160s, 2179m, 2181p, 2182m, 5195g-r, 9356 (6)] -
Act 27
Commission lien for commercial real estate brokers established -
Act 309
Credentials for occupations and businesses regulated by DORL: initial and renewal fees revised; renewal fee for real estate business entity license created [Sec. 4203-4284, 4317, 9442 (1)] [9442 (1) — vetoed] -
Act 27
Real estate appraisers: experience and continuing education requirements revised -
Act 225
Real estate broker definition and role revised -
Act 263
Salespersons and brokers: educational and continuing education requirements [Sec. 4316u-x, 4318m]
Act 27
Minnesota-Wisconsin student reciprocity: fee structure for enrollment in certain higher education institutions modified; HEAB duties specified; JCF approval
Act 200
Minnesota-Wisconsin student reciprocity re University of Minnesota Law school [Sec. 1310m, 9356 (7g)]
Act 27
Motor vehicle driver's license: DMV may enter reciprocal agreement with another country [Sec. 512L, m, p, t]
Act 237
Reciprocity with Illinois re nonresident individual income tax
Act 63
Veterans health care and educational grant revisions; provisions re Minnesota-Wisconsin reciprocity agreement, subsistence grants, retraining grant and part-time study grant programs; tuition and fee reimbursement [Sec. 655g-656, 1350-1355, 1362, 1380-1383t, 9354 (2)] -
Act 27
Fish and game laws: chap.29,
Wis.Stats., recodified -
Act 248
Badger trail between Madison and Freeport, Illinois: development of abandoned rail corridor [Sec. 766ur] [vetoed]
Campground reservation system: DNR contract permitted [Sec. 948, 948m, 9437 (2)] [948m — partial veto]
Act 27
Grandfather falls recreation area: funding for acquisition of [Sec. 766um] -
Act 27
Heritage tourism program provisions [Sec. 458h, 1326b-n] -
Act 27
I-94 wayside construction moratorium [Sec. 2471dm] [vetoed] -
Mountain bay state trail funding [Sec. 953m] [vetoed] -
Premier resort area creation and tax [Sec. 700mm, 719c, 2213m, 2392m, 2410m] [700mm, 719c, 2410m — partial veto]
Act 27
Sport shooting range: noise, nuisance and zoning ordinance provisions; users accept associated risks; hours regulated; recreational activity definition modified
Act 242
Stewardship program changes re bluff protection and certain projects [Sec. 762g-L, 766b-d, i-L, m-u, v, x, 768m] [766b — partial veto; 762g-L, 766c, d, i, m-s, x — vetoed] -
Act 27
STH 26 wayside near Clyman in Dodge county: DOT to close and sell real property [Sec. 9149 (1rmg)]
Act 27
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception created re indoor volleyball court
Act 98
ATV project aids revised [Sec. 378r, s, 783d-s] -
Act 27
Lac du Flambeau tribe issuance of fish and game approvals and ATV and snowmobile registrations authorized; use of fees specified; JCF approval of natural resource agreements [Sec. 438, 776-781, 783v, 845-847, 969, 979, 999, 1041, 1042, 1081, 2414, 2428, 2440, 3966, 4189, 4190, 4194-4196] [779, 1041, 1042, 4194 — partial veto; 783v — vetoed]
Act 27
Off-the-road vehicle council eliminated [Sec. 67p, 765m] -
Act 27
Antique dealers and recyclers: regulations created re purchase of used home furnishings -
Act 76
Effective recycling law revisions re out-of-state local governmental unit disposal of solid waste in this state, landfill siting programs and capacity fees; exception for certain incinerator [Sec. 883m, 3613g-m, 3614gc-gt, 3638m, mg, 3640gc-gm, 9437 (4d)] -
Act 27
Engine oil filters and other recovered materials: Council on recycling and Recycling market development board duties set; report required -
Act 243
Local recycling program grants: eligibility and formula revised; sunset date set -
Act 41
Newsprint: required postconsumer fiber content revised and recycling fee exemption created -
Act 274
Ozone-depleting refrigerant in mobile air conditioners: recycling requirements revised -
Act 165
Recycling and yard waste disposal costs: grant formula continued [Sec. 3615-3620] -
Act 27
Recycling market development board financing, staffing, sunset and other revisions; provisions re reuse, materials exchange, marketing and recycling [Sec. 44d, 59d, 119d, 200, 200d, 204, 204d, 205, 205d, 750, 1167d, 3620m-3632, 4338c-i, 4349d, 4497d, 9153 (3g), 9410 (5g)] -
Act 27
Recycling of computers by Corr.Dept and wheelchairs by nonprofit organization: DNR grants provided [Sec. 36, 9111 (1), 9136 (2f), 9236 (4)] -
Act 237
Recycling program funding [Sec. 277n, 400p, 673m, 3614mg] [3614mg — partial veto] -
Act 27
Recycling program: volume-based solid waste fee criteria modified; civil liability immunity; grant program amended; DNR duties set, report and study required
Act 60
Engine oil filters and other recovered materials: Council on recycling and Recycling market development board duties set; report required -
Act 243
Recycling market development board financing, staffing, sunset and other revisions; provisions re reuse, materials exchange, marketing and recycling [Sec. 44d, 59d, 119d, 200, 200d, 204, 204d, 205, 205d, 750, 1167d, 3620m-3632, 4338c-i, 4349d, 4497d, 9153 (3g), 9410 (5g)] -
Act 27
Debt service costs and referenda results: school district reporting of [Sec. 368h, j, 369m, r, 9339 (2e)]
Act 237
School district created from one or more existing districts: procedures created; referendum provisions
Act 286
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